
Feb 1, 2022 — xiaolongbao

Collection of useful resources to learn Japanese.

Kanshudo Reading Corner


  1. Beginner
    1. 女の子
      おんな の こ)
      The Girl
      (Akiko Hashizume)
    2. お金がありません
      (おかね が ありません)
      I Have No Money
      Tomoko Yamazaki


  • Kanshudo Reading Corner (Registration)
  • Beginner

    女の子 (The Girl) — Akiko Hashizume (2006)

    おおきい いえ の おおきい へや に、おんな の こ が います。
    In a big room of a big house there is a girl.

    へや に は、もの が たくさん あります
    There are many things in the room.

    えほん も ぴあの も てれび も あります
    There are picture books, a piano and even a television

    にんぎょう も あります
    There are dolls too.

    でも ひとつ だけ ありません
    But, just one thing is missing.

    それ は、 「ことば です」
    That is there are no words.

    おんな の こ は 「ことば」 を いいません
    The girl does not speak any words.

    And she does not laugh.

    おんな の こ の いえ に は おとうさん も います
    The girl's father lives at home.

    おかあさん も います
    Her mother lives at home too.

    でも、おんな の こ は、いつも ひとり です
    But, the girl is always alone.

    Full Text


    In a big room of a big house there is a girl. There are many things in the room. There are picture books, a piano and even a television. There are dolls too. But, just one thing is missing. That is there are no words. The girl does not speak any words. And she does not laugh. The girl's father lives at home. Her mother lives at home too. But, the girl is always alone.

    お金がありません (I Have No Money) — Tomoko Yamazaki (2006)

    まいにち、たくさん の ひと が あきお の ふね に のります
    Many people ride Akio's boat every day.

    そして、あきお は おかね を もらいます
    And he makes money.

    はるこ は にじゅうねん まえ に、きれい でした
    Twenty years ago Haruko was beautiful.

    でも、いま は わかくない です
    But, she isn't young now.

    もう、きれい じゃ ありません
    She is no longer beautiful.

    あきお は もう、はるこ が すき じゃ ありません
    Akio does not like Haruko anymore.

    ある ひ あきお は はるこ に いいました
    One day Akio said to Haruko,

    「あなた は、もう きれい じゃ ありません」
    "You are no longer beautiful."

    「わたし は もう、あなた が すき じゃ ありません」はるこ は いいました
    "I don't like you anymore."

    「わかりました。では、わたし は この うち を でます」
    Haruko replied, "Okay. Well I'll leave then."

    はるこ は、きれいな きもの を きました
    Haruko put on a beautiful kimono.

    けしょう も しました
    She put on makeup too.

    いま は、とても きれい です
    Now she was very beautiful.

    はるこ は いいました
    Haruko said,

    "Well goodbye then"

    あきお は はるこ を みました
    Akio looked at Haruko.

    そして、ちいさい こえ で いいました
    And then, in a tiny voice said,

    「はるこ は とても きれい だ」
    "Haruko you are beautiful!"

    でも はるこ は、いまから おかあさん の うち へ いきます
    But Haruko was now off to her mother's house.

    あきお は いいました
    Akio said,

    「わたし も いっしょ に いきます」
    "I'll go with you."

    はるこ は あきお の ふね に のりました
    Haruko got on to Akio's boat.

    あきお は はるこ に いいました
    Akio said to Haruko,

    「おかね を ください」
    "Give me some money please."

    「え?わたし は おかね は ありません」
    "What? I don't have any money."

    「おかね は ありません?」
    "You don't have any money?"

    "Is that so?"

    「それ は だめ です」
    "Well that's no good."

    「かえります よ」
    "Back home we go."

    あきお は、はるこ と いっしょ に うち へ かえりました
    Akio went back home with Haruko.秋夫はとてもうれしいです。
    あきお は とても うれしい です
    Akio was very happy.

    Full Text


    Many people ride Akio's boat every day. And he makes money. Twenty years ago Haruko was beautiful. But, she isn't young now. She is no longer beautiful. Akio does not like Haruko anymore. One day Akio said to Haruko, "You are no longer beautiful." "I don't like you anymore." Haruko replied, "Okay. Well I'll leave then." Haruko put on a beautiful kimono. She put on makeup too. Now she was very beautiful. "Well goodbye then," Haruko said. Akio looked at Haruko. And then, in a tiny voice said, "Haruko you are beautiful!" But Haruko was now off to her mother's house. Akio said, "I'll go with you." Haruko got on to Akio's boat. Akio said to Haruko, "Give me some money please." "What? I don't have any money." "You don't have any money?" "Is that so?" "Well that's no good." "Back home we go." Akio went back home with Haruko. Akio was very happy

    ジョンさん日本へ (John Goes to Japan) — Kazuho Kawamoto (2006)

    John took a manga out of his bag.

    The girl beside him took out a manga out of her bag too.

    "Ooh." "The same book!", John and the girl both remark.

    "It's interesting, isn't it?", John says.

    "Yes, it is. I love it too", the girl responds.

    "Are you on business?", the girl asks.

    "No, I'm going to study Japanese in Tokyo starting in April."

    "Tokyo? My home is in Tokyo."

    Somebody says, "Wow, Mt Fuji!" "Oh, it's beautiful"

    The girl looks out through the window. She then says to John, "It's Mt Fuji! Please, you can take my seat."

    "Thank you." John looks out through the window. "Wow, it's beautiful, isn't it?"

    Full Text


    John took a manga out of his bag. The girl beside him took out a manga out of her bag too. "Ooh." "The same book!", John and the girl both remark. "It's interesting, isn't it?", John says. "Yes, it is. I love it too", the girl responds. "Are you on business?", the girl asks. "No, I'm going to study Japanese in Tokyo starting in April." "Tokyo? My home is in Tokyo." Somebody says, "Wow, Mt Fuji!" "Oh, it's beautiful" The girl looks out through the window. She then says to John, "It's Mt Fuji! Please, you can take my seat." "Thank you." John looks out through the window. "Wow, it's beautiful, isn't it?"

    おみやげは? (What About the Gifts?) — Natalie Rees


    It was seven in the morning. Sarah and Hideki got up and had breakfast. They will fly back to America at six o'clock tonight. But, before returning to America they wanted to go shopping. They went to the train station. There were many stores inside the train station. Sarah wanted to buy a bag and shoes. Hideki wanted to eat some good ramen. The two of them went into the train station department store. "Wow, there are so many beautiful things, aren't there?" Sarah was excited. "I want to have a look at that shop." "Let's go then," Hideki went to the shop with her. Sarah looked at many bags. But she didn't buy anything. "Let's go to that shop." "Okay!" Hideki went with her again. It was now twelve o'clock. Hideki wanted to eat some ramen. "Hy, Sarah, let's get some lunch." "Ah, but I want to have a bit more of a look around." At that moment she looked at her watch. "Oh. It's twelve o'clock already?" "I'm sorry Hideki. Let's have lunch. Sarah and Hideki had some tasty ramen. They talked lots about Japan. It was a lot of fun. But, it was already two forty. The train to the airport is at three thirty. We still have time." "What about the gifts? Oh, no!" Sarah yelled out. "What's wrong?" "We still have to buy gifts. What are we going to do?" "Let's go to the 'Depachika'" "What's that?" "It's the basement of the station." "There is a variety of food there." "There is a lot of Japanese food there too." Let's go. Sarah and Hideki went to the Depachika. Sarah was surprised. There was a range of lovely stores there. There were able to buy gifts, before the train came. After that Sarah and Hideki got the train to the airport. Sarah wasn't able to buy a bag or shoes, but she was able to buy some really nice gifts. And on their last day in Japan shei was able to enjoy some nice ramen with Hideki. It was a good memory.

    Upper Intermediate

    こだまでしょうか (Are You an Echo?) — Kaneko Misuzu

    予約キャンセルは完全なマナー違反! 日程や人数が確定しないうちに何軒もかけもちで予約したり、「とりあえず“押さえ”で」という軽い気持ちで予約をしたりするのは厳禁、お店の人にもほかのお客さんにも迷惑がかかっちゃう大ヒンシュクの行為。 予約をした時点から席がキープされていることを忘れないで。 日程や人数が確定してから慎重に予約をすること!もし、確定に時間かかるなら、予約時に変更の可能性がある旨と、その変更がいつまでなら可能かを確認しよう。 万が一やむをえない事情でキャンセルしなければならなくなったら、すぐにお店に連絡をしてね。 無断キャンセルはもってのほか。キャンセル料の支払いは、お店への礼儀として当然! 飲み放題・食べ放題の常識 飲み放題・食べ放題の場合、「モトを取るために、とにかく頼まなきゃソンでしょ!」という気持ちになるのもわかるけど、あれもこれもと頼むだけ頼んで、結局食べきれずにたくさん残すのは、ルール違反! 飲みきれる量、食べきれる量を責任をもってオーダーしよう。 それからグループの一部の人だけ飲み放題・食べ放題をオーダーして実際には頼んでいない人に回したりするのもダメ!きっちり人数分のオーダーを。

    Cancelling a reservation is a complete breach of etiquette!

    Ringing around to various locations and making reservations with the notion 'Just have it on hold for the time being' before having a definite date and time or final numbers is a definite no-no. It's behavior that is frowned upon in a big way and puts out restaurant owners and other customers.

    Active Trip

    This short piece tells us more about the natural beauty of Shizuoka, and encourages us to spend more time outdoors!
    Source: (womo[ウーモ]Vol. 110 株式会社しずおかオンライン, 2017)

    Spend an exhilarating summer being active, laughing and screaming to your heart's content.

    It's summer; the season when the outdoors is fun.

    There are many places you can go out to, but this year, how about getting totally active and truly enjoying all that summer has to offer?

    Well, womo recommends a trip to a place where you can savor thrilling and exciting experiences, that'll let you forget the heat.

    In nature-rich Shizuoka there are lakes, rivers, forests and plenty of areas where you can enjoy a range of activities that take advantage of the natural surroundings.

    Restaurant Etiquette

    This extract is from a guide for Japanese people on restaurant etiquette - these two sections cover handling reservations, and handling all-you-can-eat (or drink) buffets.
    Source: 飲み会・宴会のマナー (Etiquette for cocktail and dinner parties)

    Cancelling a reservation is a complete breach of etiquette

    Ringing around to various locations and making reservations with the notion 'Just have it on hold for the time being' before having a definite date and time or final numbers is a definite no-no. It's behavior that is frowned upon in a big way and puts out restaurant owners and other customers.

    Don't forget that once you make a reservation, seats are being held for you.

    Be conscientious and make a reservation after you have a definite date, time and numbers. If finalising the details will take time, advise there may be a change and confirm up until when such changes are possible.

    If you have to cancel a booking due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact the restaurant immediately.

    Being a no-show is not acceptable. Paying a restaurant cancellation fee is common courtesy!

    Social etiquette when it comes to all you can eat and drink.

    It's understandable that when we pay for all you can eat and drink meals, we might be thinking 'We've gotta order whatever we can, so we get our money's worth!', but ordering this and that, then leaving food because you couldn't eat it all is breaching the rules!

    Be responsible and order amounts that you are able to finishing drinking and eating.

    And having just one or two people in a group choose an all-you-can-eat-and-drink option, then sharing the food with people who haven't chosen that option, is a no-no! Be sure to order food for the exact number of people who have chosen that option.

    Gauche the Cellist

    Gauche is a cellist in the 金星音楽団, The Venus Ochestra. What sort of cellist is Gauche? What does his conductor have to say about Gauche's talent? Here is a snippet from the story Gauche the Cellist, by one of Japan's most famous and creative writers, 宮沢賢治(みやざわ・けんじ)
    Source: Aozora Bunko

    Hey, Gauche. You make this so hard.

    It’s as though you’re unable to show any expression.

    There’s not a single sign of anger, nor of happiness.

    And to make matters worse, you just don’t seem to be in sync with the other instruments.

    We can’t have you always falling behind everyone, like you’re stumbling over loose shoelaces. If you don’t get it together and do this properly, you’re really going to make this hard on everyone.

    It would be a tragic let-down for us members with brilliance if the Venus Orchestra were to get a bad reputation simply because of you.

    Now, that’s it for practice today. Rest and make sure you are in the box right at 6 o’clock.

    Everyone bowed, and went off puffing on cigarettes, or making their way out somewhere.

    Gauche held onto his cello that looked like a poorly made box and turned to face the wall, tears streaming down his long face. But he pulled himself together, and all on his own, he began to quietly play the piece they had just been playing from the top.

    Do You Think it's OK to Drink and Drive?

    Japan has a notoriously strict drink driving policy, with zero tolerance for drivers, and the possibility of immediate arrest. Now, Japan is taking things even further, with possible jail time for bicyclists who drive after drinking, and even for passengers who knowingly ride with a driver who has been drinking.

    This more advanced piece introduces some of the thinking (and the legislation) behind Japan's policies.Source: ホットペッパー浜松版7月号2017年6月30日、株式会社リクルートホールディングス

    Alcohol does not take effect immediately.

    After consumption alcohol doesn't take effect immediately, but rather after 1 or 2 hours reaches peak blood concentration level.

    Even if you don't feel like you are intoxicated, as time passes intoxication levels increase, so do be careful.

    Penalties for riding a bicycle while intoxicated

    icycles are considered 'light vehicles', and included in the category of 'vehicles etc'.

    Thus, under the Road Traffic Act, people who ride bicycles in a state of intoxication will be subject to 5 years imprisonment or a fine of more than 1000,000 yen.

    Both people who can hold their liquor well and people who easily become drunk can be intoxicated

    Generally people who are said to be able to hold their liquor well are people whose metabolism breaks down alcohol quickly.

    Therefore, once the alcohol concentration level reaches a certain point, being a person who can hold their liquor well or a person who easily feels the effects of alcohol has no actual relevance to the symptoms that present.

    ike the driver, fellow passengers are committing a crime through complicity

    If a person suggests a driver drive while intoxicated, or lends a vehicle to a driver with the knowledge that the driver will drive while intoxicated, they will be subject to a complicity charge in accordance with the revised Road Traffic Act that came into effect on September 19 2007.


    Welcome to the magical world of poetry by Kaneko Misuzu (金子みすゞ; Wikipedia, 1903-1930)! Called 'the brightest star among all the young writers of poetry for children', Kaneko Misuzu is one of Japan's most famous 20th-century children's poets. Kaneko's 512 poems are a fixture in Japanese schools, and have recently been brought to broader attention in the West thanks to the efforts of Setsuo Yazaki, a Japanese poet who helped to publicize her life and works in Japan, and more recently David Jacobson, the author of Are You an Echo?, the first anthology of Kaneko's poems published in North America, with translations by Sally Ito and Michiko Tsuboi.

    こだまでしょうか (Are You an Echo?) — Kaneko Misuzu



    If I say, "Let's play?"
    You say, "Let's play!"
    If I say, "Stupid!"
    You say, "Stupid!">
    If I say, "I don't want to play anymore,"
    you say, "I don't want to play anymore."
    If I say, "Sorry."
    You say, "Sorry."
    Are you just an echo?
    No, you are everyone.

    Tags: guide