Louisa Tam (SCMP)
- 潛水 cim4 seoi2 (go diving) to avoid attention, withdraw from public view
- 走佬 zau2 lou2 to abscond, excape the long arm of the law
- 消失 siu1 sat1 to vanish
- 玩失蹤 waan4 sat1 zung1 (play missing) trying to hide
- 冇蒲頭 mou5 pou4 tau4 (not emerging from the water)
- 人間蒸發 jan4 gaan1 zing1 faat3 (earth evaporate) to disappear from the face of the earth
- 無影無蹤 mou5 jing2 mou4 zung1 (no shadow, no trace) disappear without a trace
Cantonese characters (粵語用字)
- "n-" becomes "l-" (你nei->lei, 內 noi->loi)
- "ng-" is dropped (我 ngo->o)
- "-w-" is lost (國 gwok->gok)
Various spelling systems. Hong Kong government officially adopted jyut ping but also uses Yale (street signs)
Cantonese only
- 哋 dei (們)
我哋 o dei/你哋 lei dei/佢哋 kui dei (我們/你們/他們)
- 啲 di
- 㗎 gah
- 咁 gam
- 嘅 geh (的)
- 咗 joh
- 佢 kui (他)
- 嚟 lai
- 唔 m (不)
- 乜 mat
- 咩 meh (什麼)
- 睇 tai (看)
- 嘢 yeh
alternative usage
- 邊 bin
邊度 bin do
- 得 dak
- 偈 gai
see 傾 king
- 係 hai (是)
- 行 hang (走)
行路 hang lou
- 傾 king
傾偈 king gai (聊天) -
- 蚊 man (元)
- 同 tong (和,跟,以及)
- 爸 ba
爸爸 ba ba
- 車 che
車站 che jaam
- 千 chin
- 蛋 daan
- 搭 daap
- 爹 de
爹哋 de dei
- 地 dei
地鐵 dei tit
地鐵站 dei tit jaam
- 電 din
電話 din wa
電視 din si
電腦 din lou
電郵 din yau
電梯 din tai
- 快 fai
快樂 fai lok
- 家 ga
家姐 ga jeh
- 雞 gai
- 狗 gau
- 國 gwok
國家 gwok ga
國語 gwok yu
國內 gwok loi
- 幸 hang
幸福 hang fuk
- 香 heung
香港 heung gong
- 兄 hing
兄弟 hing dai
- 中 jung
中文 jung man
- 媽 ma
媽媽 ma ma
媽咪 ma mi
- 晚 man
- 內 (noi), loi
- 你 (nei), lei
- 我 (ngo), o
- 事 si
- 成 sing
成果 sing gwo
- 聽 teng
- 一 yat
- 有 yau
有落 yau lok
- 夜 ye
夜晚 ye man
- 犀利 sai lei: 厲害 (amazing, great)